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Rongai Route

Rongai Route

per person
7 Days - 6 Nights
15 Years+ Age

Kilimanjaro on the Rongai route is best climbed over 7 days.  Kilimanjaro Rongai Route is designed for the fittest trekkers with previous altitude experience. No matter what route you take you will be left in awe of this colossus of a mountain. Kilimanjaro is under estimated each year with less than 50% of people making the summit. We can help you get trained up and fully prepared for your ascent of Kilimanjaro. We have a 85% success rate on the Rongai route

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  • Departure/Return Location
    Arusha City

Tour Plan

Rongai Gate to Simba Camp
Hiking time: 4 hours •Distance: Approximately 6.7km •Habitat: Forest (Montane) We depart from Arusha town and drive to Marangu park gate for registration. From there, we travel to Naro Moru, a further 68km and approximately 2 ½ hours on bad roads to the Rongai starting point (1996m). We begin our hike from the Nale Moru village. The small winding path crosses maize fields before entering pine forest, and then we climb gently through a forest. The trail is not steep, but is rather a gentle hike through a beautiful countryside. The first night’s camp is at Simba Camp (2626m). The camp facilities include a public toilet and a wooden table with benches, but no hut.
First Cave Camp to Kikelewa Camp
Hiking time: 6 – 7 hours •Distance: Approximately 11.8 km •Habitat: Moorlands We hike from Simba camp to Kibo (3482m). We arrive for lunch at First Caves. The distance is 5.8km. After lunch, we continue trekking until we reach Kikelewa Camp at about 3679m. Here you will have an amazing view including a stream of water below the cave.
Kikelewa Camp to Mawenzi Tarn Camp
Hiking time: 3 hours •Distance: Approximately 3.7km •Habitat: Moorlands A short but steep climb up grassy slopes offer superb views of this wilderness area. The vegetation zone ends shortly before you reach your next camp at Mawenzi Tarn situated beneath the towering spires of Mawenzi. Here we spend the afternoon acclimatizing and exploring the area.
Mawenzi Tarn Campsite
  • Habitat: Alpine Desert
This iss an acclimatization day at Mawenzi Tarn. We advise you hiking a bit higher this day before returning to Mawenzi Tarn in the afternoon.
Mawenzi Tarn Camp to Kibo Camp
  • Distance: 6 km ascent/16km descent
  • Walking Time: 6-8 hours
  • Habitat: Stone scree and ice-capped summit
Around midnight, begin the final ascent to Uhuru Peak, the highest point in Africa. Hike by the light of your flashlight for the next six hours. The ascent to the crater rim is the most challenging part of the entire trek. The trail is very steep until you reach the crater rim at Gilman’s Point. The hike from Gilman’s to Uhuru Peak is a gradual climb and, as far as hikes go, not very difficult. The altitude, however, makes the hike long and tiring. The crater rim hike takes about two hours. Upon reaching Uhuru, take photos of your guide and group at the peak before beginning the descent to Horombo Hut.
Horombo Hut to Marangu Gate
  • Distance: 20km
  • Walking Time: 5-7 hours
  • Habitat: Moorlands
After breakfast, finish the trek with a descent to Marangu Gate. Your last hike on Kilimanjaro is a beautiful one, passing through Kilimanjaro’s cloud forest. Watch your step during the descent, as the trail can be slippery. Our vehicles will be waiting at Marangu Gate to take you back to your hotel.